Deploying an RoR app using Jenkins and Knife
The simplest way to deploy a Ruby on Rails app would be to package the deploy-able code into a tar and un-tar it at the server location. This can be achieved using rake but rake doesn't provide ssh ability. Another way is to use rake with Capistrano, but this would be useful when implementing a master-less puppet or chef-solo system for configuration management.
Working on an RoR project, recently we discovered another approach to deploy an RoR app - using a custom knife plugin. There is a chef-deploy resource provided by chef which requires git repository access. Standards suggest that there should not be any development tools installed on the application server such as git etc. A series of discussions led us to decide on a chef based approach as we already had chef server managing the configuration on the nodes.
Place the following knife plugin in the code repository's .chef/plugins/knife directory. Knife will automatically load the plugin. Configure jenkins as a knife client and.... ready to deploy! This plugin deploys an aggregate of the APPS. A new method can be written to restart the application server once the code is deployed.
knife command would look like APP_HOME=<location/to/deploy/app> JENKINS_HOST=<jenkins_url> knife deploy --build-no BUILD_NO --env ROLE
module KnifePlugins class DeployAggregate < Chef::Knife banner 'knife hcah deploy aggregate' APPS = [] APIS = [] ALL_APPS = APPS | APIS option :build_no, :long => '--build-no BUILD_NO', :description => 'Aggregate app build number' option :deploy_environment, :long => '--env ENVIRONMENT', :description => 'Environment to deploy build on' deps do require 'chef/search/query' require 'chef/knife/ssh' Chef::Knife::Ssh.load_deps end def run if !valid_options or !valid_env ui.fatal 'Please provide build number and env name to deploy' + 'e.g. APP_HOME=/path/to/app/home [JENKINS_HOST=http://jenkin_url/job/job_name] [S3_BUCKET=s3://s3_bucket/] knife deploy aggregate --build-no 59 --env qa' exit 1 end @build_number = config[:build_no] @env = config[:deploy_environment] @app_name = "aggregate" @jenkins_host = ENV['JENKINS_HOST'] @s3_bucket = ENV['S3_BUCKET'] @app_home = ENV['APP_HOME'] app_nodes = deploy_on_env(@env) if app_nodes.nil? ui.msg "No app server nodes found for environment #{@env}" exit 1 end app_nodes.each do |app_node| if app_node.include?("ec2") node_id = app_node.ec2.public_hostname else node_id = app_node.ipaddress end ui.msg '-'*80 ui.msg "Starting deploy of build #{@build_number} on #{node_id}" ui.msg '-'*80 ui.msg cmd=deploy_command(app_node) knife_ssh(node_id, cmd).run end end private def deploy_on_env env query = "chef_environment:#{env} AND roles:app_server" query_nodes = app_servers ='node', query) return app_servers[0] if app_servers[0].size > 0 end def valid_options true if option_present(:build_no) && option_present(:deploy_environment) end def option_present option !config[option].nil? && !config[option].strip.empty? end def valid_env true if (env_present('JENKINS_HOST') && env_present('APP_HOME') || env_present('S3_BUCKET') && env_present('APP_HOME')) end def env_present variable !ENV[variable].nil? && !ENV[variable].strip.empty? end def deploy_command app_node command_string = "rm -f /tmp/;" cmd = ["set -e",cd_to_app_home,load_env, manifest_backup, pre_deploy_cleanup, copy_artifact(@env), extract_artifact, post_deploy_cleanup, post_deploy_env_config, post_deploy_mongoid_config, post_deploy_newrelic(app_node), post_deploy_db_seed, cd_to_app_home, restart_passenger].compact.join(';') command_string += "echo '#{cmd}' >> /tmp/;" command_string += "sh /tmp/" end def cd_to_app_home "cd #{@app_home}" end def load_env "export RAILS_ENV=production; export RACK_ENV=production" end def manifest_backup 'if [ -f manifest.txt ]; then mv -f manifest.txt manifest.old; fi' end def pre_deploy_cleanup ALL_APPS.collect do |app| "rm -rf #{app}" end.join(';') end def copy_artifact env if env.include?("aws") "s3cmd get #{@s3_bucket}/#{@build_number}/aggregate.tar.gz" else "wget #{@jenkins_host}/#{@build_number}/artifact/#{@app_name}.tar.gz -O #{@app_name}.tar.gz" end end def extract_artifact "echo 'extracting aggregate archive to #{@app_home}'; tar -zxf #{@app_name}.tar.gz" end def post_deploy_env_config (APPS+APIS).collect do |app| "ln -s #{@app_home}/config/#{app}.env_config.yml #{@app_home}/#{app}/config/env_config.yml" end.join(';') end def post_deploy_newrelic app_node return unless app_node.newrelic (APPS+APIS).collect do |app| "ln -s #{@app_home}/config/#{app}.newrelic.yml #{@app_home}/#{app}/config/newrelic.yml" end.join(';') end def post_deploy_mongoid_config APIS.collect do |api| "ln -s #{@app_home}/config/#{api}.mongoid.yml #{@app_home}/#{api}/config/mongoid.yml" end.join(';') end def post_deploy_db_seed APIS.collect do |api| "cd #{@app_home}/#{api}; RACK_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:seed" end.join(';') end def post_deploy_cleanup "rm -f #{@app_name}.tar.gz" end def restart_passenger cmd = 'echo restarting passenger worker processes for apps;' cmd += ALL_APPS.collect do |app| "touch #{app}/tmp/restart.txt" end.join(';') end def knife_ssh server_name, ssh_command ssh = ssh.ui = ui ssh.name_args = [ server_name, ssh_command] ssh.config[:manual] = true ssh.config[:ssh_user] = 'user' ssh.config[:identity_file] = Chef::Config[:identity_file] ssh.config[:on_error] = :raise ssh end end end
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